INGREDIENTS (4 servings)

0.4 lb almonds / 1 leek / ginger root / 1.5 lb chicken / potato starch / 4 oz white whine / 4 spoonfuls of soy sauce / 0.5 lb Basmati rice / 2 limes / 7-8 basil leaves /chives / extravirgin olive oil / salt

Toast the almonds in the oven at 356 F for a couple of minutes, paying attention not to burn them. Slice the leek and brown it in oil and grated ginger. Cut the chicken in tiny pieces (as small as the almonds) and flour it in potato starch. Add the chicken to the sautéed leek, season with salt and add the toasted almonds, simmer with white wine, soy sauce, and half a glass of  water. Let the sauce reduce into a cream. Squeeze the limes and blend their juice with the grated zest, some basil, oil and salt. Boil the Basmati rice in salted water, drain it and season it with the lime and basil emulsion. Serve the chicken with the rice. Add some chopped chives.