INGREDIENTS (4 servings)

4-5 potatoes/ 150 g smoked salmon / 1 egg / juice of 1 lemon / 3-4 dills / 3 spoonfuls of mustard / 5 spoonfuls of honey / balsamic vinegar / flour / butter / sunflower oil / salt / pepper

Grate the peeled potatoes in a bowl, add the lemon juice, the flour and the egg. Season with salt and pepper. In a pan heat the sunflower oil with some butter, pour 2 spoonfuls of the potatoes compote and press them to shape them into a round tortilla. Cook on both sides till brown. Mix the mustard with the balsamic vinegar, add the diced dill, honey and some sunflower oil; serve the potatoes patties with the smoked salmon on top and sprinkle with the sauce.