INGREDIENTS (4 servings)

arborio rice 10 oz / taleggio (italian cheese) 2.5 pz / stracchino or crescenza or burrata 2.5 oz / 3 slices of swiss or american cheese / 3 pears / grated parmesan / 2 onions / white wine / 2 zucchini / 2 carrots / 1 celery / beef bouillon

Put 1 onion, 2 carrots, 2 zucchini and 1 celery in abundant water with the beef bouillon, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. In a pan melt some butter, add the whole onion (not sliced) and let it brown. Add the rice and toast it. Simmer with white wine, then start cooking the rice by slowly adding the broth mixing continuously. When the rice is nearly ready, remove the whole onion, add the diced taleggio, the burrata, the 3 slices of cheese and mix. The risotto should remain creamy. Take off the heat and add the parmesan cheese. Serve the risotto with the sliced pears.