INGREDIENTS (6 servings)

3.3 lb of beef / 1 bottle of red wine / 14 oz of beef broth / 0.3 lb of diced pancetta / 1 onion /3 carrots / garlic / bay leaves / 2 spoonfuls of flour / 1 spoonful of tomato paste / extravirgin olive oil / salt and pepper

In a saucepan brown the pancetta with some drops of oil for few minutes. Take the pancetta out of the pan, and in the same oil brown the beef (cut in cubes) a bit at a time. It has to brown on the outside but remain raw on the inside. Take te meat out of the pan and in that same pan brown the sliced onion and carrots. Now add once again the pancetta and the meat, season with salt and pepper, add the flour and brown for few more minutes. Simmer with the bottle of wine and the broth, add some bay leaves, the tomato paste and one or two garlic cloves. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid, then put in the oven at 390 F for 2 hours, till the gravy is dense and the meat tender.